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Ronin Films

The home of blue ribbon documentaries and drama from Australia and around the world, for more than 45 years: a collection personally curated by historian and filmmaker, Andrew Pike, OAM.

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UNDERCURRENTS officially selected for American Documentary and Animation Film Festival

UNDERCURRENTS: meditations on power, a film by Margot Nash has been officially selected to screen at the American Documentary and Animation Film Festival, March 27-31, in Palm Springs. The film is a poetic essay documentary about the undercurrents of history playing out in the present: a 'song' for the dark times about repression and resistance.

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Collection Highlights

CATALOGUE HIGHLIGHTS – the remarkable BLOWN AWAY by First Nations filmmaker, Danielle MacLean, an exploration of the impact of Cyclone Tracy in Darwin in 1974.

And ESCHER: JOURNEY INTO INFINITY - a riveting portrait of one of the most influential and inspiring artists of the 20th century, M.C. Escher. The film looks at Escher's life and legacy and how his work continues to attract crowds world-wide to exhibitions of his work, and still inspires comic strips, advertising graphics, movies and video art.

Musician Graham Nash (from Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young) talks about Escher's rediscovery in the 70s.

Narrated by Stephen Fry, in Escher's own words.

A superb film by highly regarded Dutch filmmaker, Robin Lutz.

AVAILABLE NOW on DVD or as a digital file, or for streaming on Vimeo-on-Demand, For information and orders, visit