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LAND MINES - a love story

Year: 2005

Classification: PG

Runtime: 73 min

Produced In: Australia

Directed By: Dennis O'Rourke

Produced By: Dennis O'Rourke

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LAND MINES - a love story is a compelling anti-war film set in Afghanistan, a country that has become synonymous with conflict. It is also a story of romance and a celebration of life, hope and love.

The film tells the story of Habiba and Shah who, because of the wars fought in Afghanistan over the past 25 years, have experienced immense suffering, but who have survived to show how it is possible to be brave and moral in this world of sanctioned violence and lies.

Shah, a former Mujaheddin soldier and land mine victim, works as a cobbler on the pavements of the ruined city of Kabul. He began to court a young Tajik woman who had only one leg. Amidst the chaos and violence, and despite all the obstacles of tradition and religion, Shah and Habiba were able to marry.

Part observational film and part essay driven by a polemic that is both angry and subtle LAND MINES - A LOVE STORY is a damning portrayal of the human costs of war.

WINNER! Best Documentary Award - 2005 AFI Awards.

- Evan Williams, The Australian

"A REAL SCORCHER ... illuminated by a young and beautiful woman who has suffered enormously and triumphed over it all."
- Ruth Hessey, IF Magazine

Written produced and directed by DENNIS O'ROURKE
Photography and sound recording by DENNIS O'ROURKE
Music by Arnold Schoenberg ("Verklarte Nacht" Sextet, op 4)
Production Company - Camerawork Pty Ltd

Produced with the assistance of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Produced in association with Channel 4
Supported by a grant from the Sundance Documentary Fund
Financed with the assistance of the Film Finance Corporation of Australia

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