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Ronin Films

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Year: 2003

Classification: Exempt - Ronin Recommends: PG

Runtime: 65 min

Produced In: Australia

Directed By: Robert Herbert

Produced By: Sophie Jackson

Language: English

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Using the vast and untapped heritage of 8mm home movies, Homemade History is a private record of Australia. The series celebrates amateur filmmakers and their remarkable library of memories. Colourful, intimate and occasionally out of focus, each 5 minute episode tells a small story that fills a gap in our formal history.

13 x 5 minute episodes based on the home movies of:

1. Mary Wilkinson
2. Joseph Gauci
3. Don Watson
4. Hadi Stambouliah
5. Noel Elliot & Barry Martin
6. Beth Buchanan
7. Leon Isackson
8. Ken Garrahy
9. Antonino Marchetta
10. Dell Bootle
11. Derek Strahan
12. Jenny Winn
13. Les Petty