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Ronin Films

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Year: 1991

Classification: G

Runtime: 90 min

Produced In: Canada

Directed By: Katherine Gilday

Produced By: Katherine Gilday, Signe Johansson

Language: English

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The anxious quest for the perfect body is going on precisely at the point where women face serious challenges of self-definition as they orient themselves within the world of work outside the home.

Using a strong dramatic and visual approach, the film explores the complex knot of causes that lies at the heart of this paradox. It considers the confusing and contradictory directives that young women are growing up with today, and the way in which such role confusion is reflected in the symbolic associations of body size.

Combining the direct testimony of many women who have suffered from body obsession - dancers, mothers, career women, athletes, bulimics, fat women, anorexics, young girls - with views of professionals working in the area, THE FAMINE WITHIN explores the kind of hunger that cannot be satisfied by food.

  • WINNER! BEST FEATURE DOCUMENTARY, 1991 Genie Awards, Canada