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Ronin Films


Eugénie Dumont

Eugénie Dumont graduated from Institut International de l'Image et du Son in 2009. She has worked as Director of Photography on various short and documentary films such as MING by Fen Tian and CHUTE LIBRE by Guillaume Lorre. Eugénie also directed several music videos, short and documentary films, including the award-winning AÉROTHÉRAPIE in 2008.

In 2010, the book 'Mutant Message Down Under' by Marlo Morgan inspires Eugénie to travel 40.000 kms across Australia and meet the Goolarabooloo, who soon express and share their deep concerns about their future. Eugénie just had to pick up her camera and tell their story.



Broome is a town in the Kimberley region, one of Australia’s great wilderness areas. This is where the head of Western Australia, Colin Barnett, and Woodside, a multi billion-dollar company and Australia’s largest liquid natural gas producers, decided to install the second largest liquified natural gas plant in the world...