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Year: 1993
Classification: G
Runtime: 100 min
Produced In: Australia
Directed By: David MacDougall
Produced By: David MacDougall
Language: Sardinian language (Urzulei), English subtitles
Pietro is seventeen. He loyally helps his father, Franchiscu, herding and milking their goats, but like other Sardinian youths he also goes to school, wears jeans and T-shirts and meets other teenagers at night in the village square. Their friend, Miminu, now in his forties, tends his family's large herd of goats virtually alone. He faces an uncertain future as commercial cheese-making and modern marketing increasingly displace traditional modes of pastoralism.
Although born only about 20 years apart, each of these shepherds has grown up in a different world. For Pietro the lives of his father and Miminu are reference points against which to measure himself and consider his future.
Filmed in an intimate style during the summer and autumn of 1992, this film by award-winning filmmaker David MacDougall offers some of the complexity of a contemporary novel - a quality rarely seen in today's documentaries.